Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Faith Bible Church

Sunday, June 28th I was able to present at Faith Bible Church where I grew up. What a great time! I got to see my 4th grade teacher, old Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, kids I babysat that are all grown up, and a couple of my best friends I hadn't seen in years. I've never felt so at "home."

After my second presentation, a couple I did not know came up to me and introduced themselves and told me they would like to support me $50 a month! What in the world! Who would have guessed! An old youth leader said, "Of course we are going to support you!" Then, one of my high school friends dad said he'd like to help monthly. One lady I didn't even know slipped me some cash. I also get a large sum of money from the church. I thought, wow! 3 new donors and money from the church I can split up into monthly support! Then, Christy (one of my best friends and the one I was staying with) went to HyVee to grab something and we ran into my school secretary from elementary school and she TOO said she and her husband would like to help.

It's like the Lord bonked me on the head (as they do in the V8 commercials) and said, "What are you worried about? I have this all under control!" I'm at 100% of my set up costs and over 53% of my monthly. (I still have yet to find out how much 5 couples are supporting me.) Oh, the Lord is good to me!

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